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Summary of the 2021 Annual General Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM on Sunday, June 13, 2021. Here are the meeting highlights:
We approved the tabling of the annual report. It contains a wealth of information. Please take the time to read it (in French).
We presented the 3 main aspirations for the coming years:
The first aims to improve our internal communication to better inform our members of the actions undertaken by AQED, the services and activities available to our members, and the various official positions of the Board.
The second is to boost our external communication, i.e. to better advocate for more appropriate conditions for home education. To do this, we are now working in collaboration with a firm specialized in communications and lobbying.
And the third aspiration is tied closely to the second: to strengthen the internal organization of AQED in order to provide more efficient service to our members and to maintain the quality of support despite an increase in membership.
In order to implement these new aspirations, we have reorganized our committees to ensure better coordination and exchange of information between the work teams. The work teams will therefore be grouped in the following committees:
- member support,
- research and statistics,
- communications and creations,
- political and public actions,
- community life,
- member services,
- administration,
- beyond homeschooling.
There is plenty of room for all who wish to get involved in our beautiful association. Just send an email to [email protected].
Steve Boissonneault Award
During the AGM two volunteers were recognized for their exemplary involvement. The Steve Boissonneault Award was presented to Adèle Dufour, who has been advocating alongside parent-educators within AQED for over 20 years. The award for the year 2020-2021 was given to the indispensable Suzanne Lagacé, for her valued and generous involvement with AQED.
We also marked the departure of Noémie Berlus who has been the face of AQED for the past 5 years.
Tanya Gagné was re-elected to the Board of Directors, and we are pleased to announce that Laurence Berger and Gina Picone have joined the Board.
During the meeting, raffles were held, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.
Our official partner of the AGM, La 2e Classe, offered group tutoring sessions for each of the 2 grand prizes. The winners are Chrystelle Pasquet and Isabelle Desrochers! 2 online tutoring sessions were also offered and were won by Cindy Rochon and Émilie Salesse-Gauthier.
Succès Scolaire offered two 5-hour banks of tutoring. The winners are Chantal Bouchard and Marie-Claude Théorêt.
SOS Prof offered 4 Indigo electronic gift cards worth $50 each. The winners are : Mathieu Boucher-Trudeau, Geneviève Larrivée, Julie Bélisle and Noémi Berlus
Les AsSOIFfées de Nature offers 2 prizes: Ève Denis won the $50 gift certificate for the training, and Marine Dumond won the $50 gift certificate for a registration to a parent-child Forest school session.
Le Jardin Urbain offered 3 gift certificates of 10%, applicable on any registration to Session A at their Educational Center. The winners are Julie Baudet, Louise Harel and Kira Zoellner.
Les Éditions Shakespeare offered 4 gift cards worth $15 each to be used in one of their online stores. The winners are: Geneviève Labonté, Anick Roy, Inssaf Aoultum and Stéphanie Anger.
In addition to the regular discount offered to AQED members, the Quebec International Online Academy offered an additional $100 discount to all AGM participants.
Closing Remarks
A big thank you was voiced several times during the AGM to ALL the volunteers. Every involvement counts, big or small. The more members that get involved, the easier the task becomes.
AQED will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! We have a multitude of projects in mind. It’s time to get involved! Join the team of volunteers; we are waiting for you with open arms.
Finally, thank you to all the members! Our union is our strength! Thank you for believing in AQED and supporting its cause of defending and promoting family education in Quebec.