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2022 Elections | Now is the Time to Act!

Get your local candidates to see and read you!
In exactly one week, Quebecers will be called upon to choose the next Quebec government. In this election period, it is the perfect time to make our reality and our issues known as parent educators! We suggest a few ways to do so.
1. Follow their Facebook pages and comment where relevant to share the issues you are experiencing.
Here is a list with some examples of issues experienced by family educators:
- Over 50% of homeschooled children have learning disabilities.
- The CAQ’s new regulation, imposed in 2019, infringes on the right of parents to educate their children in the method they prefer.
- The Ministry of Education is imposing the Quebec Education Program and ministerial exams, without regard to the educational plans of families and the special needs of children.
- Parent educators are burdened with complex and unnecessary paperwork that adds no value to the child’s educational journey.
- The imposition of exams is enormously problematic for educating families in terms of logistics (large families, one vehicle, time of year…), efficiency, usefulness for monitoring learning (no preparation for this type of test, method inconsistent with the chosen pedagogical approach), effects on mental health (child taken to unknown school or to a school where they have perhaps experienced bullying) when there are already several other modes of evaluation that had been agreed upon to use.
- Minister Roberge refused to convene the Provincial Advisory Panel on Homeschooling.
- The requirements and process for high school graduation are unfair and unacceptable. Homeschooled children are assessed with one test per subject, with the test counting for 100% of the grade. How does this help encourage graduation?
2. Go and Meet Them
Il n’y a rien de mieux que de profiter d’une rencontre en personne avec un candidat pour lui exposer vraiment ce que votre famille vit et les difficultés éprouvées en lien avec les examens ministériels par exemple.
Ils ne se rendent pas compte de la logistique pour des parents qui ont plusieurs enfants à la maison par exemple, cette évaluation n’a pas été réfléchie pour les familles-éducatrices, c’est le temps de les inclure dans la discussion.
3. Send an Email
Include a link from the MagAQED:
I am a parent-educator and I would like to see the challenges faced by homeschooling families taken into account in this election! The minister responsible for education, Mr. Roberge, has not listened to us. He has never met with the homeschooling associations, and he has refused to reinstate the Provincial Advisory Panel on Homeschooling—even when all stakeholders were asking for it! We need people who understand our issues and are willing to improve the lives of parent-educators and their children.
I have XXXX children and live in XXXX.
My situation XXXX
I would like XXXXX
A little reminder :) When posting on Facebook, or when writing emails, be mindful of your spelling. As a parent-educator, we will unfortunately be judged more harshly!