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Alliance with universities and CEGEP

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Did you know that alliances are possible with universities and CEGEPs in your regions?

This is what the Regional Representative (RR) for the Lévis region (Chaudière-Appalaches) has done.

Since October, their support group has been renting the gymnasium at the UQAR campus in Lévis to practice group sports, badminton, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc. UQAR even provides all the equipment. The cost is 64$ per hour, so shared between all the families it comes to a very interesting price! The RR would now like to ask the CEGEP of Lévis-Lauzon, if it would be possible to make the same partnership for science lab time! This is to be followed, but do not hesitate to contact these institutions for different needs. On our side, we are welcomed with open arms and without any judgments, the whole thing is very pleasant!