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Ministry exams are coming up—tell us how it’s going!

On our social media networks, we have noted your dissatisfaction with the mandatory exams. We have created a poll in order to assess the range of impacts you are facing and to have a better picture of the situation. Tell us what your family is experiencing!
AQED is currently pursuing legal action against the obligation. We also met with the Education Minister’s cabinet on Tuesday, April 25th. While the tone of the meeting was friendly, the Ministry did not have any concrete solution from their side. They suggested we have a follow-up meeting at the end of the summer even though we stressed the urgency of the upcoming exams. We now need to keep up the pressure and make them listen.
You can further support our efforts by writing to your MP. To find your MP, go to this site. In the left-hand column, in the “keywords” box, simply enter your postal code to find your MP’s name and contact information.
- Mention that you are a citizen of their constituency / region.
- Describe in a few lines the harm you have experienced/will experience—challenges could be logistical, financial or related to psychological safety, equity, etc. The important point is to share your reality and distress caused by the mandatory exams.
- Ask your MP to intervene with the Minister to cancel this year’s mandatory tests and/or intervene to make the sanction of studies equitable.
We need your support! There are several ways to help:
- As a member, become a volunteer: We need you!
- Contribute to our fundraising campaign, NO to Mandatory Ministry Exams!: Every donation makes a difference!