Curious Careers | Let’s Talk Science

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Curious Careers is a STEM career exploration series of monthly events for Grade 6-8 students. The program will include a panel discussion where post-secondary students and industry professionals will discuss their experiences working and studying in STEM.

Each session will focus on a different theme and aim to explore exciting and diverse STEM fields, share what it looks like to work or study in STEM and discover what future STEM careers might look like. The series will also include optional follow-up, in-class activities for students to reflect on their skills and interests and start contemplating their future.

Tech Wonders

Thursday, October 21, 1 p.m. EST

Technology has made possible things we never imagined 100 years ago. So what does the future of technology look like?

Technology is in all aspects of our lives, and it is changing and developing at an incredible rate. 

Join us for a session exploring new and advanced technologies, and discover what new careers might be created in the coming decades.

Medical Professionals 

Thursday, November 18, 1 p.m. EST

Let’s continue recognizing healthcare professionals! Healthcare and medicine careers are important for our society, and are continuously evolving. 

Join us for this session of Curious Careers to explore the diversity of healthcare jobs, learn how students can get started, and discover what the future of healthcare careers might look like.

Climate Changemakers

Thursday, December 9, 1 p.m. EST

If we want to make a difference for our planet, we need to take action and get creative. Our climate is changing rapidly, but so are research and technologies. Join us for this session of Curious Careers to hear from those who are passionate about our climate and making a difference, and learn how we can all get involved.